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Department of Information System Fundamentals [FS]

Current information society is founded on advanced computer science.
The department of information system fundamentals will research and educate the frontier and the basic concept of computer science necessary in the 21st century IT epoch. This department will admit students from various majors and train them into the experts in the frontier of computer science, such as cloud computing, ubiquitous computing, mobile computing, media processing, big data processing and high performance computing.


Laboratory for Foundations of Information Systems

The basic disciplines of information systems technology play an important role in designing and building information systems. Motivated by this awareness, this laboratory conducts research and education on algorithms and data structures which form the foundations of information systems. Specifically, in order to realize complex information systems, we perform both theoretical and practical research on fast algorithms to process large-scale data, adaptive learning algorithms to follow the environmental change flexibly and mathematical modeling of information systems. As applications of these techniques, we research and develop systems for automatic analysis of images and videos, for automatic comprehension of Web contents, and for adaptive control of networks.

Laboratory for Software Fundamentals

The most fundamental software in information systems is system software such as operating systems and programming language systems.
In our laboratory, we are doing research on advanced system software that can improve execution speed, usability, and reliability of information systems, and we are also exploring the design and implementation of concurrent systems, in which multiple programs are run cooperatively. In particular we are studying system software for embedded computers such as cellular phones and intelligent home appliances. We are also studying new technologies of system software for constructing web-based systems. Furthermore, we are doing research on programming languages in order to extend their expressiveness, and efficient implementation techniques for programming languages.

Laboratory for Database Systems

The database laboratory studies computer science fields of data engineering, very large databases, and management of data. These fields include efficient and effective algorithms to search/utilize/extract information over new data and very large data, parallel and distributed data processing, new data mining techniques, and data engineering principles over a variety of new data created from today's digital worlds. Major activities of the laboratory are strongly tied with world-wide academic activities such as ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, KDD conferences and domestic activities of IEICE Data Engineering technical group.

Laboratory for High Performance Computing

In order to develop advanced information systems, we need high-performance computing technologies realize high-speed, dependable, low-power, ubiquitous, parallel and distributed computer systems. In this laboratory, we are conducting research and education on the fundamental theory and the practical aspects of both hardware and software for high-performance computing. The examples of our latest research topics include grid computing, GPGPU, green computing, and exa-scale super-computers.

Laboratory for Genetic Hardware

This laboratory researches and teaches the hardware technologies that form the basis of next-generation information systems, such as embedded systems, high-performance systems, high-reliability systems, and reconfigurable systems. In addition, they will deal with the technology for the development support systems on which hardware design support systems are based.

Departments and Laboratories